Sunday 27 September 2015

Importance of Articulation

Importance of Articulation - A step towards achieving excellence!!

We as managers and leaders have to constantly motivate our smart engineers to deliver “Best in Class Output”. Of course we have to then know what is “Best in Class”, for which we have to look around and seek references from inside as well as outside. Is it enough our our engineers just to do good work? Let me elaborate.
Workplace reviews are not new to us. Every day we take part in some reviews or the other, in some cases we are the reviewers and in some, our work is being reviewed. It could be our own gemba walks during which we interact with our teams to see and hear from them about their work. Or these could be occasions where there are executive visitors, managers and customers visiting. 

However during all these reviews or interactions, one key enabler for effective communication is better “Articulation". It is not enough that our engineers just do good work but be able to articulate how and why it is best in class. This applies to all kinds of engineering output, be it Systems specifications, Design, Architecture, or the Code they have written or the Tests they are doing or the Simulation they have done, Electrical hardware they design or a mechanical part design or for that matter any engineering output! We have to encourage our engineers to also create high quality content to support the actual work-package to be able to not only preserve the knowledge for future but also help to explain to others as to how good they are.

There is one simple principle we can adopt. For anything we do, we should be able to create documentation or content that can meaningfully describe about the work itself and why the work is “Best in Class” in

- 2 minutes (Elevator pitch)
- 20 minutes (for busy executives or experts)
- 200 minutes (3 hours with a break for experts)
- 400 minutes (one full day with adequate breaks for experts who have traveled from far or who are willing to spend the time)

Once our engineers start creating such content and get into the habit of peer reviews internally and outside of their teams, they will hone their skills of Articulation. This then will automatically drive excellence in the work we do.

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